Creative Curriculum.
We hope to inspire a lifelong interest in learning and a curiosity about our world.
At Lord Scudamore Academy we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which is in line with the new National Curriculum set out by the Government. Our curriculum is continually evolving to provide learning experiences which are designed to develop the fundamental skills which our children need to succeed and meet their personalised needs. It is relevant, engaging and interesting.
In every year group throughout the school the teachers plan a series of topic-based approaches to learning which are firmly rooted upon a set of skills that are progressive. Wherever possible, the topic will be used to link together the core subjects such as literacy, numeracy, science and art.
Our curriculum is child-led and the children are involved in the planning process, from the generating of questions they would like answered to the choosing of specific projects they wish to complete.
By involving the children in the planning process and by linking the separate subjects under the umbrella of a topic we believe that learning becomes more exciting for our children and enables them to have a more rounded approach to their learning.
To add the ‘wow’ factor to these topics, each year group also plans a hands-on experience to introduce the topic or a really exciting visit to bring their learning to life. This may be in the form of a trip, for example, to the Roman Museum at Caerleon to link with the theme of the ‘Invaders and Settlers’ or a visit from a dance company to give the children an insight into different cultures.
We have also placed a real importance upon the development of the children’s creative skills. You will be able to see at first hand during a visit around the school the amazing work that the children are able to produce to support their topics. This could be in the form of landscape collages built by Year 6 to support their topic on Mountains, African Art created by Year 2 or fabric mini-beasts made by Year 1. Parents are regularly invited to our events including stay and play sessions, art galleries, school performances and Open Days.
The creative curriculum has a huge impact upon the way the children learn in our school. They are excited by their learning and are able to develop a wide range of skills that they will be able to carry with them throughout life.