P.E. & Sports Premium

P.E. Grant Funding
Schools have been issued with funding from the Government as part of the Sport Premium initiative. This sum of money is to be spent by the school on ‘improving the quality of sport and PE’.
Within HMFA, careful consideration has been given as to how this money was spent. Our rational for spending the money is;
- To improve the quality of the sport and PE that we are already offering to the children in all of the federation schools, ensuring all children benefit from the funding.
- Offer training opportunities to staff to improve teaching and learning and for CPD.
- Ensure the school is able to participate in local tournaments and hold federation events.
- Encourage more participation in a wider range of after school activities for all children.
The amount of sports premium received
For the academic year 2017-18 Lord Scudamore Academy has been allocated £21,190 sports funding from the government to enhance the P.E. provision of the school. This funding is given to all schools and the amount is based upon the number of pupils on roll.
How the funding has or will be spent
Lord Scudamore has spent/will spend the sports funding on the following:
- Employ a specialist sports coach full time. The coach teaches each class in the school on a two week rotation.
- This coach allows class teachers to gain CPD by being out with their class, observing and learning from coach.
- Organising taster sessions to broaden opportunities and widen experiences in sports such as fishing, dance and gymnastics.
- Provide equipment for activities, run by young leaders, during break and lunchtimes to encourage participation.
- Run a HMFA wide series of tournaments in core sports.
- Run non-competitive events in gymnastics, dance and multiskills aimed at encouraging and participating in new sports.
- Take part in School Games qualifiers, Winter and Summer School games.
- Set up and lead a team of Sports Captains in school who help run HMFA events, sports days and playground games every break and lunchtime.
How this has impacted PE
Herefordshire Marches Federation of Academies has used the Sport Funding to employ specialist PE coaches to work across 3 schools in the wider federation. This has ensured that high quality PE lessons have been consistently taught in all schools.
Non specialist teachers have benefited by increasing their knowledge, understanding and confidence to teach PE. This has been achieved via regular observation and discussions with the specialist coaches and support with their planning if required, as well as centrally organised CPD sessions.
Pupils have benefited from taking part in HMFA federation sporting events and festivals; these include netball, tag rugby and hockey tournaments, gymnastics and multi skills festivals and a federation athletics event which has involved KS1 and KS2 children. In addition to this there have been a number of friendly sporting fixtures between HMFA federation schools. Several of the federation tournaments have fed into the Winter and Summer school county games providing further sporting opportunities for the pupils.
The specialist PE coaches each run a weekly sports club at the schools they coach in. These are for Reception, KS1 and KS2 pupils and enable every year group to access extra-curricular activities. These clubs have been full to capacity across the schools.
The collaboration has allowed the smaller schools such as Llangrove, Kings Caple and St Weonards to enter teams made of pupils from their combined schools into tournaments such as swimming galas which previously they would have struggled to enter as they had too few pupils.
As the specialist PE coaches are employed to work across HMFA schools, this allows for sharing of PE equipment and resources to ensure that all pupils have access to sports equipment and therefore are able to participate in a greater range of sporting activities.
For the academic year 2016-2017 Lord Scudamore Academy has been allocated £10,535 sports funding from the government to enhance the P.E. provision of the school. This funding is given to all schools and the amount is based upon the number of pupils on roll. We have used all of the allocation to employ two specialist P.E teachers; one full time and another two days a week. Mr James and Miss Crisall are employed to work across the Herefordshire Marches Federation of Academies (HMFA).
At Lord Scudamore Academy they teach across the school and run weekly after school clubs offering a variety of sporting activities throughout the year. Mr James and Miss Crisall also organise a number of competitive matches and sports festivals with other schools with HMFA.
As a result of the funding a greater number of children are now involved in extra-curricular activities; and the school will be participating in a number of competitive sporting events with other schools including football, quick sticks hockey, tag rugby and netball tournaments.
How this has impacted PE
Herefordshire Marches Federation of Academies has used the Sport Funding to employ three specialist PE teachers to work across all 7 schools in the wider federation. This has ensured that high quality PE lessons have been consistently taught in all schools.
Non specialist teachers have benefited by increasing their knowledge, understanding and confidence to teach PE. This has been achieved via regular observation and discussions with the specialist teachers and support with their planning if required, as well as centrally organised CPD sessions.
One example of CPD was the opportunity to work alongside qualified cricket coaches during their lessons and supported with specific resources for teaching their lessons.
Pupils have benefited from taking part in HMFA federation sporting events and festivals; these include netball, tag rugby and hockey tournaments, gymnastics and multi skills festivals and a federation athletics event which has involved KS1 and KS2 children. In addition to this there have been a number of friendly sporting fixtures between HMFA federation schools. Several of the federation tournaments have fed into the winter and summer school county games providing further sporting opportunities for the pupils.
The specialist PE teachers each run a weekly sports club at each of 7 federation schools. These are for Reception, KS 1 and KS 2 pupils and enabled every year group to access extra -curricular activities. These clubs have been full to capacity across the federation.
The collaboration has allowed the smaller schools such as Llangrove, Kings Caple and St Weonards to enter teams made of pupils from their combined schools into tournaments such as swimming galas which previously they would have struggled to enter as they had too few pupils.
As the specialist PE teachers are employed to work across all the HMFA schools, this allows for sharing of PE equipment to ensure that all pupils have access to sports equipment and therefore are able to participate in a greater range of sporting activities.
Date of Statement: September 2016
Date of Review: July 2017
For the academic year 2015-2016 Lord Scudamore Academy has been allocated £? sports funding from the government to enhance the P.E. provision of the school. This funding is given to all schools and the amount is based upon the number of pupils on roll. We have used all of the allocation to employ two specialist P.E teachers; one four days a week and another three days a week. Mr James and Miss Crisall are employed to work across the Herefordshire Marches Federation of Academies (HMFA).
At Lord Scudamore Academy they teach across the school and run weekly after school clubs offering a variety of sporting activities throughout the year. Mr James and Miss Crisall also organise a number of competitive matches and sports festivals with other schools with HMFA.
As a result of the funding a greater number of children are now involved in extra-curricular activities; and the school will be participating in a number of competitive sporting events with other schools including football, quick sticks hockey, tag rugby and netball tournaments.
Herefordshire Marches Federation of Academies has used the Sport Funding to employ three specialist PE teachers to work across all 7 schools in the wider federation. This has ensured that high quality PE lessons have been consistently taught in all schools.
Non specialist teachers have benefited by increasing their knowledge, understanding and confidence to teach PE. This has been achieved via regular observation and discussions with the specialist teachers and support with their planning if required, as well as centrally organised CPD sessions.
One example of CPD was the opportunity to work alongside qualified cricket coaches during their lessons and supported with specific resources for teaching their lessons.
Pupils have benefited from taking part in HMFA federation sporting events and festivals; these include netball, tag rugby and hockey tournaments, gymnastics and multi skills festivals and a federation athletics event which has involved KS1 and KS2 children. In addition to this there have been a number of friendly sporting fixtures between HMFA federation schools. Several of the federation tournaments have fed into the winter and summer school county games providing further sporting opportunities for the pupils.
The specialist PE teachers each run a weekly sports club at each of 7 federation schools. These are for Reception, KS 1 and KS 2 pupils and enabled every year group to access extra -curricular activities. These clubs have been full to capacity across the federation.
The collaboration has allowed the smaller schools such as Llangrove, Kings Caple and St Weonards to enter teams made of pupils from their combined schools into tournaments such as swimming galas which previously they would have struggled to enter as they had too few pupils.
As the specialist PE teachers are employed to work across all the HMFA schools, this allows for sharing of PE equipment to ensure that all pupils have access to sports equipment and therefore are able to participate in a greater range of sporting activities.
For the academic year 2014-2015 Lord Scudamore Academy received £****** sports funding from the government to enhance the P.E. provision of the school. This funding is given to all schools and the amount is based upon the number of pupils. We used all of the allocation to employ two specialist P.E teachers. Mr James & Ms Crissall are employed to work across the Herefordshire Marches Federation of Academies. At Lord Scudamore Academy, they teach across the school with the class teaching assistant or teacher working alongside him as part of their continued professional development. They run after-school clubs offering a variety of sports activities throughout the year. They also organise a number of competitive matches and sports festivals with other schools.
As a result of the funding staff have developed in their confidence and skill in teaching across the P.E. curriculum; a greater number of children are now involved in extra-curricular activities; and the school has participated in a larger number of sporting events with other schools and triumphed in quick sticks hockey tournament.
We are noticing small increased in pupil participation in after school sports clubs. Staff are benefitting from the CPD opportunities a PE specialist provides in school.