Admissions & Starting School

Our Prospectus

Find out more about our school by looking at our website or download our prospectus. See below…

Apply for a place

Do you have a child born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021?

If so, you need to apply for your child’s school place by 15th January 2025.

Further information is available from the school admissions team on 01432 260926/261574 or 

In Year Transfer Application Form

Please read the guidance notes attached to the form. Please ensure your child’s current school completes the relevant section.  The completed form needs to be submitted to school.  Information you  provide on the form will help us to prepare for your child’s admission should a place be offered.

Starting at Lord Scudamore

The Early Years Foundation Stage starts at birth and continues until the end of the Reception year. This ensures a smooth transition from your child’s experiences at home, in pre-school and then as they start school.

We have established close links with the nurseries and pre-schools and meet with them to ensure that each child’s strengths and interests are shared. During the Summer Term we have several visit days where you and your child are invited in to school and spend time meeting staff and getting used to the new environment. We also offer a home visit.

We build on the information from nurseries and pre-schools and from the information that you give us to assess your child’s engagement and involvement across a range of activities. This information is collated in an ‘entry profile’ during the first few weeks of the term.

During a child’s Reception year we are building a picture of how they learn which will be used to plan for learning when they start on the National Curriculum in Year One. We identify the strengths and areas for development for each child. We want to ensure that each child will have a good level of development to take with them on their journey through school.

The criteria for the admission of children to the school to be applied in the event of over-subscription, is in the following order of priority:

Settling into school

We have a flexible approach to the first few weeks of term in September so that we can get to know each child really well and carry out ‘entry’ assessments.

During the first week children will attend either a morning or an afternoon session and then in the second week all children attend for extended mornings. From week three onwards all children attend all day.

There is an option to continue half days if a child needs shorter days until half term. Parents can discuss this with the class teacher and it can be tailored to each child’s individual need.

Learning journey

We will be taking lots of photographs of the children and documenting their learning through a ‘Learning Journey’ book which we will share with you at different times during the year.

Our photographs make the learning visible ~ we can show how children are learning from first hand experiences. At the end of Reception you will receive your child’s Learning Journey.

Nursery Admissions

Children join our Nursery class in the September following their third birthday. You can print off the following application and information forms, complete and return to the School Office.

Children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 will be eligible to start in Lord Scudamore Academy Nursery in September 2023.

Children can take up a free 15-hour place in the Nursery in the September after their third birthday.

Working families who meet certain eligibility criteria can also claim an additional 15 hours of free education and childcare a week – 30 hours in total. You can check your eligibility for 30 hours by going to

Apply for 30 freehours childcare

Find out our bookable opening times HERE .

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