Autumnal Conker Walk

Reception and Year 1 went for a walk this week to look for the different signs of Autumn. We had lots of fun searching for conkers and different coloured leaves, and even collected some to take back to school with us.

Pupil Council 2019-2020

Elections have taken place and each class has chosen their new Pupil Council representative for this academic year. They have already been really busy and are planning lots of fun and exciting events or competitions for the Autumn Term. Each child has their own folder where they make notes during their meetings and bring with […]

A new start in Reception!

The new children in Reception have settled into school life amazingly! We’ve been having lots of fun exploring our new environments, making new friends and meeting all the new adults who are going to help us in school. We’re all very excited to start our learning journey together.

Circus Week

Last week we were lucky enough to have the circus come to Lord Scudamore. The children got to watch some excellent performances and also learnt some of their very own circus skills, such as plate spinning and juggling. It was very exciting having a big top in the playground and the children were very respectful […]

Arts Award

In Year 1 we have had a whole day of art today linked to our topic – Australia. We have tried some aboriginal print making and also acted out a story about how kangaroos got their pouches. Thank you to Becky from the Courtyard and Sally from Meadow Arts for coming in to lead these […]

Wagamamas 5M

Today it was 5Ms turn to head over to Wagamamas and sample some Japanese food and taste smoothies and a traditional lunch that they made for themselves. It was a very interesting and exciting morning for all.

Wagamamas 5H

5H had a fantastic morning visiting Wagamamas Hereford as part of our topic on Japan, where we learnt how to use chopsticks, make our own smoothies and try lots of different Pan-Asian vegetables. We also got to prepare our own lunch, which was delicious. We all had great fun and learnt lots.  

Well Being Week

What a fantastic week we have had! Every day has seen a wealth of enriching experiences for both children and staff, and we hope that the children have enjoyed it as much as we have. Monday saw each class creating a healthy recipe that we put together into a school recipe book that has sold […]

Techniquest – Year 4

Year 4 have just completed a fantastic day at Techniquest , Cardiff using their scientific knowledge to investigate. To end the day they took part in a mathematical reasoning workshop.

Year 5 Activity Week

Year 5 activity week have been having great fun going bowling, learning how Beefy Boys started their business and making crafty creations.

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