Nursery Stay and Play Sessions Autumn 2016

From September you are invited to join us for our Nursery Stay and Play session. The sessions will be held once every half term and will last for an hour from 9.00am – 10.00am. During this time you will be invited to take part in activities and crafts with your children and experience a taste […]

Swimming Tuition – Year 4 Classes ~ Autumn Term 2016

The Physical Education National Curriculum requires that all children receive swimming instruction at some time during their Primary School years. In order to meet this requirement we have made the following arrangements for swimming at the Hereford Leisure Pool. As usual, the school covers the tuition costs but we continue to request contributions from parents […]

Welcome Back

We would like to welcome you all back for the Autumn Term. The children all seem to be settling in well and enjoying their new classes. We would like to welcome back Mrs Clifford to our team, as she will be working in class 1T every Friday and class 2A every Monday. Please speak to […]

Wellington Boots Needed in Reception!

Reception would love your old wellies for use in their outdoor areas. They would need to be suitable for children aged 4 and 5 and can be any design or colour. If you would like to donate your unwanted wellies, please drop them off with Mrs Benjamin before or after school or send in with […]

Year 5 & Year 6 Football Club

Year 5 and Year 6 football club will be starting up on Wednesday 14th September. If you would like your child to participate please return the reply slip below as soon as possible. Places will be limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis. All children will need to wear appropriate […]

Nut Allergies

There are pupils in school and nursery who have an allergy to nuts. Any exposure to nuts may cause a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment. For the safety of these pupils we very kindly ask you NOT to send any food containing nuts into school or nursery. Many thanks for your co-operation […]

Nursery Hot Lunches

We offer hot lunches for children who attend our nursery all day. Orders and payment for school dinners must be handed in to the school office by the Monday of the week before the dinners start. For example, orders and payment for the week beginning the 26th September will need to be handed into the […]

Year 1 Swimming Tuition Autumn Term

Year 1 pupils will commence swimming lessons at Trinity Pool on Monday 12th September, 2016 and will continue throughout the Autumn Term. Arrangements will be two classes swimming each week on a rota basis (see below). The first bus will be leaving at 9.00am prompt. Please ensure your child is in school in plenty of […]

Autumn Term Milk Payment

For those of you who wish to pay termly, the Autumn payment will be £9.60 to take you up to the end of term. If you pay by cheque, please write your child’s name and class on the back of the cheque and attach the cheque to the reply slip, cheques should be made payable […]

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