Swimming Tuition – Year 4 Classes ~ Autumn Term 2016


The Physical Education National Curriculum requires that all children receive swimming instruction at some time during their Primary School years. In order to meet this requirement we have made the following arrangements for swimming at the Hereford Leisure Pool. As usual, the school covers the tuition costs but we continue to request contributions from parents towards the transport costs. We are grateful for your essential support in this.

For the Autumn Term 2016, Year 4 classes will receive swimming instruction, which will start on Wednesday 21st September through until 30th November, 2016. Parents of children in these classes are asked to make a contribution of £15 to help cover the cost of transport to and from the pool for the 10 sessions. (If you prefer, you may send your contributions in two instalments of £7.50. Please do see your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns about the contribution.

We ask for your co-operation by ensuring that your child brings the necessary swimming kit on a regular basis. Please note that all children with over collar length hair must wear a swimming hat. Boys’ trunks should be above the knee (not long shorts) and girls a one piece costume. If your child needs to be excused from swimming due to illness, please would you send a note to that affect. Thank you for your help.

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