World Book Day ~ Nursery and Reception 1st March


To encourage a love of books Nursery and Reception will be celebrating this day by dressing up as their favourite character from a traditional tale.

Please discuss with your child their favourite traditional tale (not DVD) and who they would like to be.

You do not need the whole outfit, it could just be a hat, a cape or mask that shows the character. Please can the children come to school in their costume and be prepared to stay in it for the day.

It would be lovely if the children could bring in the book that their character comes from to talk about.

To celebrate World Book Week, Reception children will be visiting Waterstones to spend their £1 voucher. (Please inform your class teacher if you would like the £1 voucher to come home.) Reception children will be visiting the Library on the same day to listen to stories and look at the books.

Please come and see your class teacher if you have any concerns.

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