We are thrilled that you have chosen to take a look at our video tours, however we are even more excited to be able to invite you into school this year for a tour in person.
We are opening our doors for you to come in and see what Lord Scudamore Academy has to offer on the 19th and 20th October 2021.
Our tours will take place after school on an appointment only basis and run for approximately 1 hour from 3.45 – 4.45 and again at 5 o’clock till – 6o’clock.
We will have refreshments available for you as well as samples from our tasty lunch menu. Many members of our team from our Nursery through to Year 6 will be available for you to meet and ask any questions that you may have.
These events will be done taking into account the safety of all.
Please telephone the school office to make an appointment
on 01432 273951 or email admin@ls.hmfa.org.uk