Lord Scudamore Academy Admission Arrangements Consultation 2018/19


Tuesday 8th November to Tuesday 20th December

We are now consulting on our 2018/19 school admission arrangements.

The school admission arrangements principally relate to the current over subscription criteria.

The schools criteria are:

If the school is oversubscribed, children with a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan which names a particular school, will be allocated places, after which places will be allocated according to an agreed set of criteria, in strict order of priority.

Priority 1: Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be because they were adopted from care

Priority 2: Children living within the defined catchment area of the school

Priority 3: Sibling connection; children who have an older sibling at the preferred school not only at the time of application, but also when the younger child is due to start school

Priority 4: Exceptional circumstances; children with exceptional medical, social or compassionate grounds for admission and whose parents can show that entry to a particular school only is necessary for the wellbeing of their child. Parents are required to produce a medical certificate or other appropriate information, preferably from an independent source

Priority 5: Distance; children who live nearest to the school by the shortest available walking route

Alternative options

There are other potential over subscription criteria that can be used, including:

Children of staff at the school

Lord Scudamore Academy could consider giving priority to children of staff working at the school, in either or both of the following circumstances:

a) Where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of the admission application being made

b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage

Children eligible for pupil or service premium

Lord Scudamore Academy may also give priority in their over subscription criteria to children who are eligible for the early years’ pupil premium or the service premium, with the eligible categories being clearly defined in the school admission arrangements.  This could be under the following circumstances:

 The child is in Lord Scudamore Academy nursery

 Have your say

To have your say on the Lord Scudamore Academy admission arrangements consultation, including any comments on the existing over subscription criteria and any proposed changes; please send your response to:

E-mail:  ajones@lordscudamore.hereford.sch.uk 

Post: Amie Jones, Clerk to the Governors, Lord Scudamore Academy, Friar Street, Hereford HR4 0AS 

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