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KS2 Girls Football
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt in Nursery
Build Your Own Blood in Year 6
KS2 Football ⚽️
Blind Football in Year 6
KS2 Cross Country
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Electricity in Year 6
Year 6 have been learning about Electricity as part of their Science topic. On Wednesday they had to predict what would happen in a circuit
Gingerbread Men in Reception
Reception have been looking at the ‘Gingerbread Man’ this week, here we are choosing to make a collage.
Stickman in Nursery
The Nursery children have had lots of fun creating their own Stickman to link in with our focus story ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson. They used
Bee-bots in Year 1
In our Computing lessons in Year 1, we have been learning how to use Bee-Bots for the first time. This week, we worked in groups
Measuring in Year 3
This week in Maths, Year 3 have been focussing on their measurement skills. We have had fun measuring in meters, centimetres and millimetres – we
Resilience in Year 4
This week, in Year 4, we have been looking at resilience and how to deal with disappointment. We discussed times when the children had been