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KS2 Girls Football
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt in Nursery
Build Your Own Blood in Year 6
KS2 Football ⚽️
Blind Football in Year 6
KS2 Cross Country
Latest News
Swimming in Year 3
Year 3 have had the best time swimming over the last two weeks, and the children have made amazing progress. We are so grateful for
Garden Fun in Nursery
Nursery had another lovely morning in the Eco-garden. The children had lots of fun playing, exploring and even making some food for the birds!
Safer Internet Day
On Tuesday 11th February, the whole of Lord Scudamore took part in Safer Internet Day. The focus was Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others
Experiments in Year 1
In science we have been experimenting with adding vinegar, baking soda, dishwasher soap and food colouring. We then decided to change our experiment by altering
Balancing in Reception
n Reception we have been working very hard on balancing carefully and landing on two feet with our knees bent. Fabulous work everyone.
Chinese New Year in Nursery
Nursery have enjoyed learning about Lunar/Chinese New Year. They looked at where China is on the globe, traditional artefacts, made repeated pattern snakes (as it is