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KS2 Girls Football
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt in Nursery
Build Your Own Blood in Year 6
KS2 Football ⚽️
Blind Football in Year 6
KS2 Cross Country
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KS2 Girls Football
Last Thursday, our KS2 girls were involved in the County North Girls football tournament in the glorious sunshine. The girls displayed some brilliant football, cheered
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt in Nursery
The Nursery children have been thoroughly enjoying their focus story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and all the many activities linking to the story.

Build Your Own Blood in Year 6
As part of their Science topic, the Human Body, Year 6 learnt about what our blood is made of and got to have a go

KS2 Football ⚽️
Today, we played a fixture against Riverside Primary. Despite not getting the result we wanted, the boys showed excellent character to score two cracking goals

Blind Football in Year 6
Year 6 were very fortunate to have a visit from some students and coaches from The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC). Some of
KS2 Cross Country
Today, three of our Year 6 boys participated inThe Lucton Tercentenary Shield cross country event. This is the largest primary school cross country event in