
Behaviour and anti-bullying procedures at Lord Scudamore
We have high expectations for behaviour at Lord Scudamore Academy. Our School rules have been developed with the children and are kept to a minimum. They are based on the principles of consideration and respect for self and others. The aim is for pupils to achieve self-discipline and develop their own sense of responsibility.
From time to time children fall out with each other. How we deal with conflict is part of our social development. At Lord Scudamore Academy we actively promote values and positive behaviour, which are the skills needed to work collaboratively and make a positive contribution to a team.
Bullying is different to the normal falling out and arguments children often have with their friends at play as they grow up.
It is the sustained intimidation of a victim that is emotionally carried out by a person or group in order to cause physical and/or emotional hurt. It can be a single, unresolved, intimidating incident or a series of intimidating incidents. Bullying is a deliberate act, carried out to cause distress in order to give the bully (or bullies) the feeling of power status or some other gratification.
Encouraging Friendships
- All pupils will take part in positive group work in class because it develops good communication skills and teaches us to work together as friends and team members.
- In class we will make use of circle times and PSHE lessons to develop friendship bonds and understand their value and importance. This ethos will be reinforced in school assemblies and the whole school culture.
- We will promote good values using the values jars in the library.
Building the Confidence of all Pupils
- We will create a culture where it is okay to talk about weaknesses and worries in a supportive, caring environment. Our Learning Mentor and EBD Teaching Assistants will support the work in class to build confidence and self-esteem. We will use worry boxes to share feelings too.
- We will use social groups and nurture groups to work with specific children.
- Our school ethos is based on positive reinforcement. We are always on the lookout for good behaviour, excellent work and kindness which we can all reward.
- Pupils will be taught how to cope with what happens when friendships go wrong and given strategies to deal with conflict. They will also have specific lessons about the problem of bullying.
- It is important to remember that it is not necessarily bullying when friendships go wrong
We have a detailed Anti-Bullying Policy and a Behaviour Policy, both of which can be accessed via our website for further information.