Queenswood – Year 1

This week, Year 1 went on a trip to Queenswood to become leaf detectives. In pairs, we searched for leaves and matched them with the ones on our leaf identification sheet. We really enjoyed searching for them and also managed to identify some flowers too! When we had collected enough leaves, we made some leaf […]

A Visit from a Baby – Nursery

Sunshine class enjoyed having a baby come to visit with their mummy. The children asked lots of questions to find out about what babies do and what they need. The children have also enjoyed finding their baby photo and guessing who everyone is.  

Cricket in Reception

Reception have enjoyed their first cricket session with Dave from All Stars, which they will continue with throughout the summer term. They will be learning skills that they can use in a cricket game, focusing on throwing and catching.

Lambs at School

On Monday we were lucky enough to be visited by a ewe and her triplets, who were only 2 weeks old. We had to be really quiet to make sure we didn’t scare them, and we all learnt a little bit about the lambs and how they are looked after and what they eat, and […]

Easter Cake Competition

We would like to say a big thank you to all who entered the Easter Cake competition, we had so many beautiful cakes and it was really difficult to choose the winners. Another thank you to those who bought cakes after school, we hope they tasted as good as they looked! Here are the winners:

Year 1 Easter Service

Today Year 1 were visited by Ruth from St. Nicholas Church who accompanied us on a walk to the church, where we waved some palm leaves that we had made. Once in the church, Ruth and her colleagues told us about the story of Easter through their own reenactment, which we got to join in […]

Little Miss Inventor Competition

After British Science week we asked Key Stage 1 and Early Years to become inventors, and design their own invention to help either a Little Miss or a Mr Men character with their problems. We had so many brilliant and innovative entries and it was extremely hard to pick a winner. After much deliberation we […]

Red Nose Day 2019

This year we teamed up with Sainsburys for Red Nose Day and Comic Relief and created our own Red Nose characters on paper plates. We raised over £300 for Comic Relief and our characters were on display in the Hereford Sainsburys store. Thank you to all of those who took part, and a special well […]

British Science Week Visitors

This week we have been lucky enough to have some special visitors come in and talk to us about their jobs. First we had an assembly with Brenda Finney (BSc, MRes, PhD) who talked to us all about her experiments in biology using microscopes. We also attended an assembly from Pauline Garner, who told us […]

World Book Day 2019

Lord Scudamore Academy has been celebrating Word Book Day by creating Universe Poems for our ‘Poet Tree’ an activity enjoyed from Year 1 to Year 6. The children visited other year groups in the school to share the wonderful books they had brought to school. The children in Reception were lucky enough to visit Waterstones where […]

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