A Pound for Pudsey

Thank you all for your generous donations last Friday as part of our ‘Pound for Pudsey’ day. The children all looked great and we managed to raise a brilliant £565 for Children in Need!

Children in Need Activities

After talking about where our donations for Children in Need Day will go, the Nursery children really enjoyed decorating Pudsey masks and pictures using a range of mark-making tools.  We focused on using the pens, pencils, crayons and paint dabbers with precision and control as well as paying close attention to detail.  Don’t they look […]

2Faced Dance Club

Our after school 2Faced Dance club has begun! Reception and Year 1 children greatly enjoyed their first session and meeting their new dance teacher. They showed us some of their best moves and worked in groups to develop their own mini dance sequences. We can’t wait until our next session!

Year 2 Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day, Year 2 walked to the Cenotaph in Hereford and joined in with the Remembrance ceremony, all wearing their handmade poppies. Afterwards, they went to St Peters church, and also had tea and cake with the Mayor of Hereford! All children were exceptionally behaved showing the utmost respect and were a credit to […]

Remembrance Day in Nursery

Rainbow Class worked hard as a team yesterday to create a lovely poppy that they are going to display proudly.

Bonfire Night Bake Off

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the children (and adults) for their entries into the Bonfire Night Bake Off. We had some fantastic cakes to choose from and the pupil council deliberated for a long time before voting on the winners and runners up. A thank you must also […]

Remembrance Day

Children at Lord Scudamore have been remembering those who sacrificed so much for us in both World Wars.  They created poppies and shared memories with each other.

Harvest Service

As part of our Harvest celebrations, Early Years and Key Stage 1 went to St Nicholas Church to donate some food and celebrate Harvest time. Nursery and Reception sang ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’, Year 1 sang ‘Thank you Lord for Harvest Time’ and each Year 2 class wrote some beautiful prayers that they read aloud […]


Kevin, Sky and Lucky came to visit Nursery and Reception from the RSPCA. Kevin talked to us about how we should look after the animals in our care. We talked about making sure they had the appropriate amount of food, water, exercise and company. Sky loved being fussed by all the children and Lucky (the […]

Year 1 Harvest Activities

Today we were lucky enough to share our afternoon with our parents and carers, making a variety of different Harvest crafts. We used dried foods to make collage pictures and also created our own corn on the cobs using cereal. At lunch time we collected leaves and used these to create some leaf rubbing hats […]

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