In the Autumn term, a group of Year 4 children had the opportunity to take part in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) club. They took part in a variety of activities to develop their thinking skills, all of which they thoroughly enjoyed. These activities involved designing a marble run, making and investigating bath bombs, programming […]

Year 5 Girls Futsal Tournament

On Thursday January 23rd, a group of Year 5 girls took part in a futsal tournament at the Point 4. We played 5 games and won 3. The first game was against Ledbury and we unfortunately lost 2-0. The next game was also an unfortunate defeat. Thankfully, good luck came our way and we managed […]

Christmas in Nursery

The Nursery children had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas and they were very busy making and posting Christmas cards, building toys in Santa’s Workshop, wrapping presents and creating pictures and gifts for their families.  The children also took part in a fantastic Nativity performance at the church and they had the opportunity to meet Santa […]

Chinese New Year in Nursery

Nursery have really enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year this week.  We have learnt about the Chinese Zodiac story (the great animal race) and how the Chinese community prepare for and celebrate this special occasion. We’ve also particularly focused on developing fine motor skills by using chopsticks, copying Chinese symbols and writing Chinese numerals in rice.

Christmas at the Cathedral

Last Tuesday, Key Stage 2 performed their Christmas service at Hereford Cathedral in front of their family and friends. It was a wonderful evening in a beautiful setting, that allowed the children to showcase their talents. We would like to thank the staff that put in so much effort, the children for being so well […]

HMFA Netball

On Thursday the 21st November a group of Year 6 children attended a netball tournament and were sorted into two teams- Scudamore A and Scudamore B. Scudamore A Played Canon Pyon and won 3-2 we then played Sutton and tied 3-3,for a place in the semi-finals we played Marden and won 3-1. Scudamore B Played […]

Hereford Futsal Tournament

On Thursday 5th December, a group of Year 5 boys entered a futsal tournament at the Point 4 Hereford. We had 4 group matches, winning 3 and drawing 1, which meant we topped our group. After that, we advanced to the semi final where we beat Riverside 3-0. Finally, we got to the final where […]

Egyptian Centre

On Wednesday 27th November 2019, 5M visited the Egyptian Centre in Swansea to learn more about our current topic. We took part in activities in the both the ‘House of Life’ and the ‘House of Death’. These involved exploring ancient artefacts, playing the Senet game, dressing up as Gods and even taking part in the mummification […]

Goodrich Castle

Last Monday, Year 1 had a fantastic day out at Goodrich Castle. We had the chance to explore the castle, learn the names of the different parts, climb to the top of the keep and experience what life would have been like for a child living at the castle hundreds of years ago. All the […]

KS1 Multi Skills Club

A group of children from Year 1 and 2 have just completed a series of after school sessions where they have been practising fundamental basic skills. They have had lots of fun with Miss Lloyd, Miss Graham and Miss Bradley and ended the sessions with some fun parachute games. We look forward to doing it […]

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