The children of key workers and staff from Lord Scudamore, Canon Pyon, Clehonger, Marden and Sutton have been working hard to spread their message of ‘hope’ this week. They hope that they will be able to bring a little bit of colour and joy to all who see their message. Continue to stay safe and […]

Sport Relief 2020

Last week we celebrated Sport Relief as a whole school. A great day was had by all – running and taking part in fun games organised by Year 5 children. We raised over £400 for charity and staff members surpassed their target of 100 miles and cycled 171 miles! A big thank you to Miss Lewis […]

Year 6 Netball

Year 6 children participated in the School Games Netball Qualifiers last Wednesday at Whitecross High School. Many other primary schools attended and we played a total of 5 games. We played extremely well: showed super team work, sportsmanship and healthy competitiveness. We came joint first meaning that we have qualified for the School Games which […]

World Book Day!

The children and staff today have enjoyed a fantastic World Book Day filled with various activities. Our Nursery and Reception children enjoyed story time at the city library. Years 1 to 6 enjoyed story telling in the school library with the schools’ librarians (Year 4 and 6 children) who read and set a competitions for […]

Animal Encounters

Last week, Year 5 had a very exciting visit from Animal Encounters. Every child had the opportunity to hold the rainforest animals, from a Giant African Bull Frog to a Bull Python and even a curly-haired tarantula! They learnt lots of interesting facts and thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

World Book Day in Reception

To celebrate World Book Day Reception children went to the library dressed up as their favourite book characters. Whilst there we listened to some stories, looked at lots of books and learnt about the way library system works. We’re all looking forward to signing up to get our own library cards!  

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

As part of our topic ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, Reception children were invited to bring their teddy bears in for a day at school. Our teddy bears got to join in with all of our usual activities, including a teddy bears picnic at snack time!

The Big Garden Bird Watch

The children in Nursery marked ‘The Big Garden Bird Watch’ by learning about the different types of birds we often see in Britain as well as making bird feeders, building bird nests, counting eggs into baskets, reading books about birds (fiction and nonfiction), creating artwork with feathers and making bird-watching dens in the Eco Garden. […]

Young Voices 2020

On Tuesday 28th January the Young Voices choir travelled to Birmingham to perform as part of the worlds biggest children’s choir. Joined by a few celebrities such as The Shires, Ruti and Tony Hadley, they excelled during the performance and entertained the crowds. It was a long day but worth all of the time and […]

People Who Help Us

We had some special visitors come to see us in Reception as part of our topic of ‘People Who Help Us’. Several fire fighters came to show us around their fire engine. Paramedic Gemma brought her ambulance for us to have a look at and PC Colcombe brought her police car. They talked to us […]

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