Arts Week News


Day 2 and 3 have been full of singing, dancing and artwork!

Some children have been working with a local artist Jim Reid in the Eco Garden to update a wall display in the junior hall. They based their designs on British Values – what it means to be British, and equality within our society. It was a great opportunity for children to express their thoughts through being creative. The wooden boards will be on display in the Junior Hall for parents to view after the performances on Friday.

We also had a visit from Mr Gittins and his brass band during assembly where the children got to listen to lots of different songs and learn about how the sound is produced from a trumpet.

The Courtyard have continued their drama sessions throughout the school as well as artwork being continued with the degree students, including sewing song lyrics in Year 6 and making musical instruments in Reception. Nursery children created 3D collage on a canvas depicting their British Band ‘The Spice Girls’.

We are really looking forward to Thursday and Friday!

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